Welcome Reception 2023 Parents -

New Reception Parents, please take a look at our New Reception Pupils page under the Information tab...

Mental Health and Wellbeing

At Linden Primary School, we promote positive mental health and wellbeing, for all members of our school community (parents, pupils and staff), and recognise how important it is to our lives, in the same way that physical health is important. We recognise that all children go through ups and downs and that throughout their time with us, they may face significant life events. Our aim, is to support children with any challenges that they may be facing and to signpost parents and carers to the most suitable support, if we are unable to provide it.

The Department for Education (DfE) recognises that: “in order to help their children succeed; schools have a role to play in supporting them to be resilient and mentally healthy”. Schools can be a place for children and young people to experience a nurturing and supportive environment that has the potential to develop self-esteem and give positive experiences for overcoming adversity and building resilience. Our role in school, is to make sure that children and parents/carers, have access to the support that they need and that they are able to manage times of change and stress.

Our aims are to:

  • Ensure that all children feel valued and appreciated.
  • Remove the stigma around mental health, so that children are able to talk openly about this, with a trusted adult.
  • Promote positive mental health and wellbeing and ensure that this is valued and prioritised as much as physical health.
  • Ensure that children feel safe and listened to.
  • Create an environment and ethos that creates an awareness around mental health and wellbeing and actively teaches children how to take care of this.

Support for Pupils

We offer a range of pastoral support in school, for pupils who are experiencing poor mental health, are struggling with their wellbeing or need support to develop resilience and self-esteem. This support follows a graduated pathway and children can move up or down this pathway, depending on the level of support that they need at the time.


Emotion Coaching, Zones of Regulation, PSHE curriculum, assemblies, positive behaviour policy, trauma/attachment friendly approach, classroom check-in systems


(May be on a My Plan)

Access to breakfast provision and/or playtime calm clubs, check ins with a familiar member of staff (e.g. class LP), additional resources e.g. toolkits or individual check-in systems, ELSA groups


(My Plan/My Plan +)


1:1 ELSA sessions, Drawing and Talking therapy, other 1:1 sessions, support from external agencies (e.g. EP or TIC+), increased use of tailored resources and strategies (e.g. learning breaks or calm areas)


(My Plan +/ EHCP)

Play Therapy, Applied Therapy, increased input from external agencies (e.g. CAMHS, Paediatrician)

We are also part of the Trailblazer programme (https://www.ghll.org.uk/mental-health/trailblazer-programme/) which gives us access to further mental health support and training for staff.

In addition to this, we regularly work closely with a range of other orgnanisations to provide mental health and wellbeing support for our pupils, including:


Support for Parents

Our Parent Support Advisor, Rozina Begum, is always happy to talk to you about supporting the mental health and wellbeing of your children, as well as supporting your own mental health and wellbeing. We run weekly coffee mornings, which are also a good opportunity to talk to members of the Inclusion Team or to arrange a time to meet more privately. We have included a list of useful websites that may be useful with supporting your child with their mental health and wellbeing.

We also run Emotion Coaching parent courses, which will allow you to mirror the approaches that we use in school to address challenging behaviour and support children with understanding their own emotions and how to manage them. Please speak Mrs Davidson (deputy head) or Rozina Begum, if you would like to attend one of these courses.


Useful Resources






Mental Health








Wellbeing Activities of the Week

Follow this link to find some wellbeing activities that you and your child can do this week.


If you would like support around the mental health and wellbeing of your child, please contact Meg Jenkins (Inclusion Lead/ Mental Health Lead) at [email protected] or through the school office.

If you would like support around parenting a child who is struggling with their mental health and wellbeing or need to be signposted to services that can support you with your own mental health and wellbeing, please contact Rozina Begum (parent support advisor) via the school office.

You will find more information on the mental health and wellbeing provision at Linden in our Mental Health Policy.

Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy (Pupil)


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